Wednesday, January 18, 2006

32 inches

We finally took a tape measure to my belly and measured the going circumference: 32"! And, boy do I feel like I'm 32" around...At this point, the baby's kicks are a lot stronger and more noticeable, but neither Tom nor I can really feel them if we put our hands to my belly.

The baby seems really active, especially later in the evenings -- when I roll over to sleep on my left side -- and in the morning, too (again, when I'm rolling from side to side).

We haven't been to the gym in a little over a week owing to the amnio and last weekend's trip to Los Angeles, but we're hoping to go tonight.

Personally, though my energy levels are definitely flagging, I don't want to get too far behind in physical fitness as I want to be able to have plenty of energy and strength once the li'l one is born.

In any case, aside from the bigger belly and the stronger kicks, there is not much new to report -- no new cravings, no troubles or ills, etc.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

16 weeks, 5 days

I accidentally posted this entry to the other blog....

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