Last night's session was about swaddling, bathing, and changing the baby...and a pediatrician also came in to answer questions about such things as circumcision, jaundice, frequency of doctor's visits, etc., etc.
Unsurprisingly, we were in amongst a crowd of lady even was, in fact, pretty judgmental of the whole thing, loudly asking why *anyone* would circumcise their baby since the procedure just needlessly inflicts pain and suffering on the poor infant boy.
Of course, there could be cultural reasons for doing so...and, in the end, my personal feeling is that it -- like so many lifestyle/personal decisions in this world -- is really a matter of choice.
Anyway, we apparently live in an area where the percentages of circumcisers and non-circumcisers is about 50-50. That's pretty cool.
We also live in breast-feeding country...and, neat thing, we practiced changing the baby doll's diaper with cloth diapers!
On that note, when Tom and I got home from class last night, we looked up the cost of Tiny Tots Diaper Service and explored the bennies of using cloth diapers -- one of which is fewer baby rashes (the obvious one is environmental).
We've not yet made a decision, primarily because the diaper service seems a little expensive to us, but we may end up buying packs of cloth diapers on our own and washing them ourselves (eesh). Whether we go with the diaper service or not, we'd probably still use disposables whenever we were out and about and/or traveling....