Wednesday, March 25, 2009

half-way there!

Today was 20-week ultrasound day. The baby's measurements look good and all my test results (blood, urine and amnio) are looking a-ok, too. Despite all of this, no good ultrasound pics! Of course, we're just thrilled to bits that everything is looking so good, but I'm a little disappointed that we don't have good photos! Our little girl continues to hang out way down low, and she was lounging placidly on the placenta during the entire exam!

She still shows a marked difference from Dylan who, from the get-go, was such (and still is) a wriggler!

Despite leaving work in a hurry, and feeling some time pressure to get things done there, my blood pressure today was at 116/74 and I weighed in at about 135. Seems reasonable.

No new news to report, otherwise...and, for that, I'm pretty content.

Interested in Dylan's 20-week report? It's here.


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

17 weeks 4 days (or 16 weeks 6 days)

Just got back from the amnio with the generally good news that everything looks absolutely fine and normal. The pictures we got this time around do not even remotely compare to the shots we got of Dylan (at 16 weeks 5 days) despite the fact that this baby was "well-behaved" for the entire exam, meaning it stayed fairly still the entire time. This was such a huge difference from Dylan's ultrasound that I expressed some concern, but both doctor and the sonographer both reassured me that there was nothing to fret about.

So today's report indicates that the baby is skinny (perhaps 10th percentile at 6oz/188gm -- not so surprising, maybe, since I've had barely the stomach for food these days -- despite a voracious appetite), the measurements are consistent with gestational age, and my placenta is low. The low placenta is apparently very common at this stage and is no cause for current concern....

Of course, I can't help but "gnaw" at my fingernails. I'll feel a huge burden lifted from my shoulders once we get the results in 2 to 2.5 weeks....

In the meantime, Dylan is at Music Together with Heather and Taliana, hopefully, being a very amenable little boy.

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